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Andreas Ostwald

Andreas Ostwald (born 1964) finished an education as state-certified ceramic designer in the Porcelain Factory Friesland (German: Porzellanfabrik Friesland) in Kiel.
There he fell in love with the white gold. During the prototype production of porcelain production, you learn the mastery of three-dimensional curving and the spherical area arch within only tenths of millimeters by manual labor.
After his studies, he worked as designer for several offices and companies.

He taught the method of design process for ten years at the Muthesius College in Kiel before he went to HFK Bremen in 2006 and taught integrated design there until 2013.

In product design, his interests not only lie in the development of seating furniture but also in the design of lamps for national and international manufacturers.

He was a member of the shaping council (German: Rat für Formgebung) and was a member of many expert panels. His works received a lot of renowned awards.

Andreas Ostwald lives in Harvestehude with his wife and his three daughters.